179, 183, 2002… Jaime stops at these parking spaces so I can tell him those numbers. We have left the car in the garage and, although it is only 100 metres to the house, it takes us at least fifteen minutes to get there.
Once you are out on the street, you have to stop and look at the shop windows (some of them). He has his favourites and we spend more time in them, counting the things we see and that interest him… the mirror, the earth that goes round and round, the crocodile, the fish with the bubbles, the crab with the bubbles…
In many shops they greet him, come out to talk to us, ask questions, we share a moment… thank you very much… says Jaime. In one they gave him a chocolate.
Getting closer, sharing, I think that inclusion has more to do with that than with the simple obligation to fit into models in which we neither fit nor feel comfortable. Inclusion must be because society is open to any of us and allows us to be together with others, respecting, without forcing anyone and without responding to those standardized archetypes that are sold as good.
…and the light of color… says Jaime. It is the last thing, we have already reached the portal. We are part of the environment and we feel good. To those who are there, on their path, I don’t know if you know it, but you do very well in that of inclusion.
June 17, 2022