We care, we want to do it well, it's everyone's business.
That's why when the sports group Unión Adarve and Ecovidrio proposed that we collaborate, we didn't hesitate... and we want to tell you about it.
Unión Adarve is a football club that competes in various categories of men's and women's football in the community of Madrid. They are known as "the wolves" and together with Ecovidrio they launched an awareness campaign giving away tickets to the match in which they were wearing new kits to all those people who brought three glass bottles to be recycled.
They knew us and asked us to help them draw the logo for their t-shirts, although Jaime doesn't always do what he's asked to do - he's like that, free. But when we asked him to draw a wolf, he grabbed the marker and drew it in practically one stroke.
Small gestures and ways to make them effective can help us take care of what we are part of.
At Algo de Jaime we have tried. The latest has been to change our packaging, and not just for aesthetic reasons; the new bags are made of biodegradable corn starch, which go straight to the organic container. These are small things, not enough, but which, little by little, create awareness and change our way of being on the planet.
Javier Martinez Erdozain
March 2, 2020